Just another manic Tuesday...

So, a little over a month ago I bought myself an external tablet for my laptop. It's a Genius brand tablet with a pretty big work space and it works very nicely. It came with a photo editing software from Corel that I tried to play around with but found very confusing as someone with no experience. So, I started trying to find some decent art freeware and after doing a bit of research, I stumbled on Artweaver. It's a very impressive piece of software which has all of the best drawing features of Photoshop (a large array of brush types, shapes, textures, etc) but in a much simpler to use form. Unlike GIMP, Artweaver gives you a straightforward setup that even a novice like myself can quickly figure out. So far, I'm really enjoying it and have been able to get started on my web comic. Hopefully, once I've made more than a dozen or so comics, I'm going to set up a website and start posting them. Yay!

In other news, food! Yes, I made latkes twice so far this Chanuka. The first I made on erev shabbos at my parents house. I grated the potatoes instead of shredding them and they came okay, but not spectacular. Then, tonight I made another batch, this time shredding the potatoes and they came out yummy and crispy and everything that potato latkes are meant to be.

Now, I'm lying in my bed and relaxing away my horrible back pain. Yay! :)


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